مصفوفة التشخيص

Matrix أخبار | مصفوفة التشخيص - Part 196

50% say that party drugs are safe

فبراير 2020
منشور من طرف Admin
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In the last year, deaths caused by legal highs have increased by 80% and the use of party drugs appears to be on the increase; however, a study has revealed that over 50% of UK residents believe that legal highs and party drugs are mostly safe. Party drugs in the study included ecstasy and PMA.

قراءة المزيد

GP struck off medical register after being filmed snorting cocaine

فبراير 2020
منشور من طرف Admin
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A 45-year-old GP has been caught on camera snorting cocaine after a patient with a drug problem filmed him. He has now been struck off the medical register and will never be able to practice again. Babak Shokouhi had been consulting a female patient who suffers from both mental health issues and drug addiction. The

قراءة المزيد

Drunks to foot the bill for their safety

فبراير 2020
منشور من طرف Admin
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Every weekend evening on the streets of many UK cities and towns hard-pressed police officers (that would be better employed elsewhere) have to deal with numerous incidents of alcohol-fuelled misbehaviour as revellers leave entertainment venues.  These incidents often lead to arrests for public order offences and assaults.  Those intoxicated offenders are taken to police custody

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Usain Bolt supports Jamaica’s new drug testing policy

فبراير 2020
منشور من طرف Admin
0 تعليقات

Jamaica has announced plans to improve its drug testing procedures for professional athletes following a warning from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). This year five Jamaican athletes tested positive for banned substances. One of the athletes was Asafa Powell, the former 100m world record holder. Earlier in the year Renee Anne Shirley, a former official

قراءة المزيد

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